Be master of your domain (2)

We're still seeing quite a bit of business-related email from clients and potential clients bearing hotmail, gmail, and bigpond email addresses. This is something that we've talked about before ("Be master of your domain"), but we feel pretty strongly about it! Your email address is often the first thing that a new contact sees - it's their first experience of you and your business. Those valuable milliseconds of eyeball time should be advertising you, not bigpond! Having a proper company domain for email and website names is one of the most important things you can do for your business. You don't necessarily need to change your existing email setup - if you have existing mail service, possibly tied to your Internet access, with which you're happy you don't need to disconnect or cancel it at all.

As we said earlier, small businesses often fall victim to these problems because no-one on staff is technically savvy enough to acquire a unique “domain name”, or they think the process is difficult or costly. It’s not as hard or expensive as you may think – give us a call on 08 7127 0435 to have a chat.
